Right Of The Star

Friday, October 22, 2004

Weekend Trek October 23/24 04

Random thoughts to start the Trek:

In addition to Iraq becomming a magnet for terrorists manpower - which as you may know I think is a wonderful thing, lets hope it is a more powerful magnet then the mall a mile down the road from my house - but money is flowing into Iraq from Arab sources supporting the terrorists!

Could this be a great big head fake - draw in the money and men, again so we fight them on their own land rather then here at home.

It gives us time to shore up defense here and a real opportunity to deplete their resources. If they are actually defeated there then the incentive for the funding we haven't tracked and eliminated will be greatly reduced - if their money couldn't defeat the Americans in Iraq when the anti-American left was helping so much - how can they fund them elsewhere!

True peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of justice.

Wow, that Lawrence O'asshole on MSNBC has been over the line the last week or so but he really lost it tonight debating (bad term since he didn't let anyone including the moderator speak) John O'Neil of the Swifties - I won't watch anylonger, and if you know anything about me you know that I am stubborn enough to stick to something like that! But check Powerline, Michelle (extensive coverage), or Polipundit (scroll there are about 3 references) for updates on this one!

Could it be that Kerry's discharge was less then honorable? After all he was a reserve officer when he was degrading our troops! Check out this from Townhall. It would explain O'asshole's reaction on MSNBC, shout them down so they don't look any deeper. Remember I am a firm believer that the left has major issues with projection - they do seem to protest too much!

Of course John Kerry could end this debate by signing the standard from 180 that would release his entire military record - the President did.

Enough for now, more as the trek through the weekend continues.

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